(2) 能在情境中用“How many would you like?”“I’d like…”“How much is it/are they?”“It’s/They’re…yuan.”等句型交流和购买商品。 (3)能正确朗读文本,获取文本信息,回答文本相关问题,理解文本内容。 2. 学习策略 (1)能积极与他人合作完成学习任务。
引例Citations: ◎九州生气恃风雷,万马齐喑究可哀。我劝天公重抖擞,不拘一格降人才。(龚自珍《己亥杂诗》) (九州生机勃勃靠的是风雷激荡,万马齐喑的局面实在令人悲哀。奉劝上苍定要重振...
Before recruiting, think carefully about how many people you want to participate and also what the club’sfocuswill be. For example, some book clubs focus exclusively on fiction, others on nonfiction. Some are even more specific, focusing only on a...